Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation, 10/1/12
Welcome to October Bearcats! The glorious season of fall is upon us, and the weather brings with it sickness and mucus! So stay healthy, drink lots of fluids, and get plenty of rest!
I know that this Monday's Motivation is going out on Tuesday, but that's okay! I would like to start this motivational message with this: Monday night's practice was one of the greats. As a coach, I dream of those kind of practices. Everyone was pushing themselves, and they attacked the base set with reckless abandon. I encourage you guys to ALWAYS attack your turns like you did yesterday! Dryland was amazing! I am so proud of all you guys. Through all the cramps and the pain, you guys pushed through, and that is how it's done. The greatest swimmers push themselves to make each motion their body makes in the water the best. Every stroke you take, you should be thinking about it. You should think about how to make each stroke, each turn, and each lap, better than the last. Even if it hurts, DO IT. Create good habits now. Are you willing to go through a few practices being uncomfortable, if it means you succeed in accomplishing your goals in the end? The answer is a resounding YES! If you know you're doing something wrong, FIX IT! Swimming is not just exercise for the body, it is exercise for the brain.
So answer me this: Do you want to leave practice thinking, "I could have done better," or would you like to leave practice thinking, "THAT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!" ?? It is a mental game we all play. You decide how the practice is going to go, and then it is up to you to follow through. Don't expect others to always push you, or always be positive for you. You have to make that change. Yesterday I saw amazingness. Awesomeness. It was inspirational. Carry that with you! Let it motivate you! You are all smart athletes. You are all stronger than you think.
So in conclusion, watch this video, and be inspired: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX39J_YyKbs&feature=related
YOU ARE ALL CHAMPIONS. Go forth and act like champions! When your body gets tired, let your heart and your mind carry you through! You are strong. You are champions.

Looking forward to practice,

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